30+ Premium Themes to be Won from ThemeGrade

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What are your favorite sites to look for Wordpress themes? Are the top 10 sites listed in Google for “Wordpress themes” good enough? I’ve searched through them all and none of them come close to a site I just encountered one week ago.

ThemeGrade.com is the site I am talking about. This site is so innovative that there are quite a number of things that you won’t find in other sites. First of all, ThemeGrade provides the most comprehensive review of both free and premium Wordpress theme. All the themes (600+ in total) listed there are tested for the general and SEO coding. No sites have gone to the level like ThemeGrade does.

Prothemedesign : Accumulo WordPress theme

Now there is another reason to visit the site. If you need a new premium theme for your site, you can take part in ThemeGrade’s contest and easily win a premium theme. All you need is a PR 2+ blog and follow their instruction and you’ll guarantee to be the winner. I am in the contest and have just won a theme from Prothemedesign. Thanks ThemeGrade for holding such a wonderful contest!

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  1. bgs gile ade contest cmnih… naseb baik x bape minat ngn WP, kalo x da lame join gak…

    .-= Pisyek´s last blog ..Tips menjadi pelajar cemerlang =-.

  2. @steward john, hehe maybe kot steward..dsbbkn dya still ada pengetahuan sal IT ni so bukan katak bawah tempurung la kn hehe

    1. @Dya, Kalau perpindahan dari Blogspot ke Wordpress, rasanya PR tu akan jadi N/A, sebab domain dah jadi lain.. Kecuali la kita guna domain berbayar.
      .-= Steward John´s last blog ..Shopping in UK =-.

      1. @Steward John, oo kalau domain berbayar, kita boleh kekalkan PR blog kita tu ke? aiseh, mmg la….kalau duit dh msuk campur mcm tu la kot

        1. @Dya, Mungkin.. Sebab alamat URL sentiasa ditujuk dengan domain tu. Kecuali kita tukar nama domain.. hehe
          .-= Steward John´s last blog ..Shopping in UK =-.

          1. @Steward John, mm..yelah….still, there’s always a catch whenever we want something huhu

  3. Salam Bro..

    Sesuatu kelainan di dalam entri DH pada kali ini. Apakah kelainannya? Entri bro di dalam Bahasa Inggeris : )

    Mungkin sekali-sekala Bro gunakan entri Bahasa Inggeris boleh tambah demografik pembaca lagi kot : ) DH ni memang potensinya besar.

    Selamat Hari Isnin 😉
    .-= Incik RestNrilekS´s last blog ..Freshout is all i Need on May =-.

  4. wah menarik ni, macam mana nak menang ni? aku punya blog pun tak settle lagi. pihak hosting lama tak beri kerjasama yang baik untuk dapatkan backup file aku. ades.

    1. @mohdisa, patutpun nak akses blog bro skrg ni tak dapat.. sama juga dgn blog anarm.. dah tak boleh akses.. dia dah pindah url ke?

      1. pasal anarm tak tahulah plak, aku dalam usaha nak pindah hosting skang ni. tgh tgu backup files dari hosting lama.

          1. @mieran, memang akan disimpan selagi masih ada kontrak. bukan tamat tempoh. ades
            .-= mohdisa´s last blog ..Free Download Akasia Adamaya TV3 =-.

      2. @kulanz, masalah gak ek berpindah randah ni..stay kt blogspot je mieran ni..huhuhu

    2. @mohdisa, ish mcm 2 plak ke..kesiannya,,apasal pihak hosting lama x bg kerjasama..adeh

      1. @mieran, biasalah. bila masa kita nak beli beria tolong. dah dapat duit, mulalah nak lepas tangan. ades
        .-= mohdisa´s last blog ..Free Download Akasia Adamaya TV3 =-.

            1. @mohdisa, Bro, hosting mana satu tu? nak tahu juga ni.. nanti lain kali boleh elak..
              .-= Steward John´s last blog ..Shopping in UK =-.

  5. haha. dah masuk pun. bagus2
    .-= ariff´s last blog ..Tutorial Menggunakan Subdomain Sendiri Untuk Blog Blogspot Anda =-.

    1. @ariff, hope dpt menang la..chaiyok2 bro..dpt premium theme la dia pas ni

  6. x reti la nak join camne.. hehehe.. 😛 teringin gak.. tp kalau in english mmg i failed.. haha..

    1. @Mr.Bintang, bro mudah je email kepada admin minta diaorang tulis kan entri untuk blog bagi yang tak berapa pandai english ni. Arahan ada kat detail contest tu.

    1. @azuan, mieran mg da xleh join pn contest 2..blog pr kena atas dr PR2 rasanya

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