MH370 semuga damai mu di sana

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Assalamualaikum dan Salam 1Dunia, setelah mencari lebih 17 hari akhirnya berita terkini MH370 yang ditunggu satu dunia telah diumumkan oleh PM DS Najib Razak dalam sidang media ringkas MH370 pada jam 10.00 pm. Berdasarkan semua data yang telah dikumpulkan daripada berbagai agensi pihak penyiasat telah mengesahkan bahawa pesawat MH370 telah berakhir di tengah Lautan Hindi barat Perth. AL FATIHAH untuk semua mangsa dan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa.


24 MARCH 2014, 10PM

This evening I was briefed by representatives from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). They informed me that Inmarsat, the UK company that provided the satellite data which indicated the northern and southern corridors, has been performing further calculations on the data. Using a type of analysis never before used in aninvestigation of this sort, they have been able to shed more light on MH370’s flight path.

Based on their new analysis, Inmarsat and the AAIB have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth.

This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.

peta kawasan hilang MH370 di Lautan Hindi

We will be holding a press conference tomorrow with further details. In the meantime, we wanted to inform you of this new development at the earliest opportunity. We share this information out of a commitment to openness and respect for the families, two principles which have guided this investigation.

gambar mangsa tragedi MH370

Malaysia Airlines have already spoken to the families of the passengers and crew to inform them of this development. For them, the past few weeks have been heartbreaking; I know this news must be harder still. I urge the media to respect their privacy, and to allow them the space they need at this difficult time.  [/box]

Kongsikan doa rakan-rakan di sebagai tanda simpati kita kepada keluarga mangsa. Satu dunia bersimpati kepada keluarga, rakan-rakan dan crew MAS yang terlibat dengan tragedi sedih ini. Berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul semuga semua tabah melalui ujian ALLAH SWT.


Hormati keluarga dan pasukan penyelamat yang bertungkus lumus siang dan malam mencari mangsa. HENTIKAN semua spekulasi yang tidak ada fakta kerana ini akan menambah sedih bukan sahaja keluarga tetapi semua manusia yang bersimpati kepada mangsa MH370. Sama-sama kita sedekahkan AL FATIHAH kepada mangsa MH370 semuga damai mu di sana.

Al fatihah untuk mangsa MH370

@amirulredz19 : ini gambar lautan hindi,sedalam 7KM dan merupakan lautan paling sunyi dlm dunia.. Takziah buat keluarga
gambar lautan hindi

Berita Terkini Kemalangan Pesawat MH370 :

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