Misteri wangian yang hilang

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Assalamualaikum dan Salam 1Dunia, 

membaca sajak nukilan Sasterawan Negara Datuk Usman Awang bertajuk “Wangian Yang Hilang Di Timur Jauhpasti ramai yang masih tidak mengetahui misteri pemilihan tajuk tersebut. Tajuk tersebut tersangat indah dan sebenarnya menyimpan seribu rahsia yang masih belum terurai.

Kisah ini selain pernah aku baca di beberapa blog juga Facebook tetapi sebenarnya sudah pernah diceritakan oleh beberapa Maulana bertahun-tahun dahulu. Mari kita baca sedikit dari kisah misteri yang terlalu panjang untuk dirungkai.

Bani Jawi adalah pengembara yang hebat membawa misi ke Semenanjung di hujung dunia yang di panggil oleh Ptolemy sebagai Semenanjung Emas atau “Golden Chersonese” dan kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu. Bani Jawi menerima Islam tanpa peperangan dan mendukung Islam dengan sempurna. Telah lama Yahudi Illuminati mencari Bani Jawi atau ‘kaum yang hilang’.

Tanah Jawi ialah gelaran kepada Tanah Melayu. Orang Jawi ialah gelaran orang Arab kepada orang Melayu. Tulisan Jawi ialah tulisan yang digunakan oleh orang Melayu. Masuk Jawi iaiatu berkhatan iaitu salah satu amalan yang diajar Nabi Ibrahim a.s dan menjadi amalan orang jawi zaman berzaman.

tahan Melayu Semenanjung Emas

Ketahuilah sesungguhnya terdapat satu kajian bahawa bangsa Melayu adalah berasal dari keturunan Nabi Ibrahim a.s dari isteri ketiga yang bernama Siti Qaturah atau Keturah yang kisahnya banyak tertulis di kitab kuno Yahudi. Keturah bermaksud kemenyan atau pun wangi-wangian yang kadangkala digunakan dalam upacara ritual. Sebelum meninggal dunia Nabi Ibrahim AS telah mewasiatkan kepada anak anaknya untuk mencari sekeping tanah semenanjung di hujung dunia.

…sent them away from his son Isaac to the land of the east.” (Genesis 25:6 New International Version)

Kerana di sana nanti akan lahir dari keturunan ini satu Raja akhir zaman bernama Al Mahdi. Diceritakan juga Al Mahdi akan pulang semula ke tanah asal bersama kaumnya dan akan memusnahkan bangsa Yahudi. Wasiat ini dilaksanakan oleh anak-anak Nabi Ibrahim a.s dan kisah ini dicatit dalam kitab-kitab Yahudi. Sejarah berlalu zaman berzaman. Kisah ini juga diceritakan oleh Rasulullah SAW kepada para sahabat. 60 para sahabat mengembara ke Timur mencari Bani Jawi.

Akhirnya Bani Jawi menerima Islam tanpa peperangan. Bani Jawi terkenal dengan akhlak dan kelemah lembutan mereka kerana mereka berdarah bangsawan dan kesatria perang yang dihormati. Jawi atau Jiwi ikut bahasa sanskrit Ji=satu dan Wi=Tuhan, yakni maksudnya bangsa yang percaya kepada Satu Tuhan iaitu mentauhidkan Tuhan. Dimanakah negara di hujung dunia ini yang masih beramal dengan mempercayai adanya Tuhan yang satu? 

Wahai Bani Jawi, wahai keturunan kaum yang hilang. Rahsia bangsa misteri ini masih terpelihara di dalam Kotak Tabut rahsia sejak beribu-ribu tahun. Tiada siapa yang tahu dari mana asalnya bangsa ini. Bagaimana bangsa ini boleh wujud di tanah paling selatan benua Asia, ’di penghujung dunia.’


Begitulah secebis kisah misteri satu bangsa yang masih belum terungkai tetapi dari kisah inilah asalnya tajuk indah sajak “Wangian yang hilang di Timur Jauh”. Mungkin ada pembaca yang sudah pernah membaca kisah misteri ini dan mungkin ada yang baru pertama kali.

“Dan Nabi mereka, berkata lagi kepada mereka: “Sesungguhnya tanda kerajaan Talut itu (yang menunjukkan benarnya dari Allah) ialah datangnya kepada kamu peti Tabut yang mengandungi (sesuatu yang memberi) ketenteraman jiwa dari Tuhan kamu, dan (berisi sebahagian dari apa yang telah ditinggalkan oleh keluarga Nabi-nabi Musa dan Harun peti Tabut itu di bawa oleh malaikat. Sesungguhnya peristiwa kembalinya Tabut itu mengandungi satu tanda keterangan bagi kamu, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman” – Surah Al Baqarah ayat 248

Begitulah kita usah nak mengenal bangsa sendiri masih ramai di antara kita yang tidak kenal susul galur atok nenek moyang dan keturunan sendiri dan lebih malang lagi ada di antara kita yang tidak kenal diri sendiri kerana dek sibuk dengan urusan seharian. Bila tidak kenal diri sendiri maknanya tidak kenal juga dengan Sang Pencipta yang mencipta diri kita ini.

Sekarang Bangsa Melayu sibuk bergaduh sesama sendiri mungkin tujuan ALLAH untuk membersihkan dengan meninggalkan yang taat pada ALLAH untuk menjadi tentera dari Timur yang akan bersama Imam Mahadi.

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  1. Yes, all are now in the 2nd life as he said ” verily, verily I said unto thee except a ,man be born again thou shall not see the Kingdom of GOD”, yes we all must be born again, 2nd coming means all of you must be in the 2nd life now. 7/25 Allah berfirman’Dibumi itu kamu HIDUP dan dibumi itu kamu mati dan dari BUMI itu kamu akan DIBANGKITKAN” ‘ kamu hidup kamu mati dan kamu akan dihidupkan kembali dalam ciptaan yang baru” ‘ Aku akan ciptakan kamu dalam keadaan yang kamu tidak ketahui”
    15/24 “ sesungguhnya kami telah mengetahui orang –orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu, dan sesungguhnya kami mengetahui orang –orang yang terkemudian.
    20/55 “Dan kami berfirman, sesudah itu kepada Bani Israil “ Diamlah di negeri ini, maka apabila datang MASA BERBANGKIT, niscaya kamiu datangkan kamu dalam keadaan bercampur baur”

    Begitu juga hadith- hadith banyak memberi gambaran tentang kedatangan Isa AL Masih di sebelah timur. KHORASSAN- negeri matahari terbit.
    Dan akhir saperti disebut Isa dalam INJIL, Rasul ALLAH, yang dia panggil AHMAD , disebut sebagai the COMFORTER, CONSOLER, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, who will come and tell you ‘about sin , judgement, and truth’ dan akhir sekali segala doa ahli kitab akan berakhir dengan AMIN, which refers to MOHD.
    Dan MAHADI itu akan datang dalam golongan ISLAM dan banyak ciri –ciri yang disebut tentang MAHADI oleh RASULLULLAH ada lah tepat dan benar.


    Remember when ISA uttered in the INJIL ” I am going to the place of MY FATHER and saying that in the place of “MY FATHER” there are many Mansions(Palaces). This country has got TEN KINGS as revealed to JOHN in the Island of PATMOS and yes ( Sultan rotate to become the KINGS every 5 years and taking Brunei as part of the Malay Peninsula, yes still TEN Kings. Jesus said all this king, shall gave the power unto ONE (AGONG) and they shall have a blasphemous Name . The “Timid and the Gentle shall inherit the Earth. Yes the 2nd coming will be here. Quran 5/54 “soon will God produce a people whom He will love as they will love HIM- lowly with believers, mighty against the rejecters,and fighting in the way of God’(sifat orang Melayu).
    This is the KINGDOM OF GOD, the New Jerusalem , MALAYSIA reads backwards is AISYALAM and this is the GOLDEN CHERSONESE, where HIRAM’S ship came to bring back the GOLD OF OPHIR to SOLOMON. In 1930′s the British found in Pahang in RAUB, artifacts and hebrew writings and brought back to the British Museum,(check on this ) In the Quran21/81 “ And unto Solomon(we subdued) the stormy wind, so that it sped at HIS behest towards the LAND, which we had BLESSED, for it is WE who have knowledge of everything” Kampung Acirat 2/94 “ katakanlah jika kamu, kampung acirat itu khusus untukmu di sisi Allah, bukan untuk orang lain, maka inginkanlah kematian jika kamu memang benar” 23/74 “ DAN SESUNGGUHNYA ORANG-ORANG YANG TIDAK BERIMAN KEPADA NEGERI ACIRAT BENAR- BENAR MENYIMPANG DARI JALAN”. 6/27” BAGI MEREKA DARUSALAM PADA SISI TUHANNYA DAN DIALAH PELINDUNG MEREKA DISEBABKAN AMAL SALEH YANG MEREKA KERJAKAN”. 6/32 “DAN TIADALAH KEHIDUPAN DUNIA INI SELAIN DARI MAIN-MAIN DAN SENDA GURAU BELAKA. DAN SESUNGGUHNYA KAMPUNG ACIRAT ITU LEBIH BAIK BAGI MEREKA YANG BERTAKWA. MAKA TIDAKKAH KAMU MEMAHAMI NYA ?. 10/25 ALLAH MENYERU KE DARUSSALAM DAN MENUNJUKI ORANG YANG DIKEHENDAKINYA KEPADA JALAN YANG LURUS’
    This place was call Malaya, yes the highest peak on earth is HIMALAYA. This country domain is” MY” and in international sports Malaysian contingent known as MAS (GOLD)
    As Isa said, ” as the lightning strike from the East to the West so shall my coming be” . He said I will talk in a” PLAIN language”. and Malay is a very plain language. In the Book of the Revelation , the subject matter of the codified message ‘ I shall talk to you about many nations , tongues. languages and KIngs” This is the “Green Country” and the Pleasant or Beautiful or Bountiful Country. Peninsula Malaysia has 12 states which reflects the 12 tribes of Israel. Look at the book of the Revelation the sign of the Promised Land. The symbol of” Stars and Moon in Malaysian Flag”.

    Let me enlighten all of you on some prophecies of interest I am to concentrate on the 2nd coming of Christ(MAHDI). If you think he is coming to Jerusalem (In Israel) then you are wrong. What did Jesus say”” If people say I am here ,I am there or in the desert do not follow, as the lightning strike from the EAST to the WEST so shall my coming be” and “When you see the EUPHRATES rivers dries up that is the time of the coming of the king from the East” “The place that I will come will be the new JERUSALEM” and “in the place of MY FATHER there are many mansions{PALACES). Remember when he said”. Remember the one prophetic signal on” There are “TEN KINGS” after that “there are seven 7 Kings, five (5) have fallen, one is the other has not yet comes and when he comes he shall remain a little while before the faithful and chosen shall overcome them” Last time you try to equate 10 kings with the formation of EEC and you know it was not EEC. Now remember ASEAN Economic Community will be a reality in 2015 and remember all these were formally ruled by KINGS and now 5 have fallen LAOS, VIETNAM, MYANMAR,CAMBODIA,AND PHILIPPINES, YES THEY WERE ALL KINGDOM, BUT NOT ANYMORE !!. So the prophecy has come true .When Jesus was referring to the EAST, he was telling about the COUNTRY OF MY FATHER. Before Malaysia was formed the country was called “MAL AYA” MAL AYA mean the country of MY FATHER, AYA IN MALAY MEANS FATHER and MAL mean ANGELS and the domain name for Malaysia is “MY” and if you were to reverse MALAYSIA it is AI SYALAM” which means the new JERUSALEM the KINGDOM OF GOD .Even the highest peak in the world is called HI” MALAYA . “means the “Hills of the Malays” and MALAYSIA read backwards meant AI SYALAM means” Angelic Kingdom of God” THE NEW JERUSALEM/ DARUSSALAM. PTOLEMY called this place “THE GOLDEN CHERSONESE” and The Indian called this place “SWARNABHUMI” which literally translated means the LAND OF GOLD” Malaysia is the only country that has 9 sultans (Kings)who rotates among themselves to be proclaimed KING for a period of 5 years, after which they are fallen kings). And if the above prophecies on the AEC formation is unacceptable then look at this. and after 5 years this king is fallen and he will become the sultan and return to his state. A new king will be elected to replace him. So basically this is the country of the ten kings, with the nine sultan and plus BRUNEI it is still ten KINGS.”There are seven kings, five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet comes, and when he comes he shall remain a little while before the faithful and chosen shall overcome them”.

    1. Bukan ibi saja Yahudi dah mengeluarkan ststement Nabi Isa akan datang di Malaysia.(Latest)Meaning of 16 September 2012 in God’s Alignment
      June 25, 2013 by leokoo 0 Comments
      16th September 2012 is/was:
      1. Malaysia Day
      2. The Day Malaysia Entered our Year of Jubilee
      3. Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year or “Head of The Year” literally
      4. The Feast of Trumpets : Lev 23:24 – 1st of Tishri (1st Day of the 7th month)
      5. Start Day of the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem & Watchmen’s Tour of Israel 2012
      6. As Malaysia celebrated our Golden Jubilee, the Jerusalem House Of Prayer For All Nations (JHOPFAN) celebrated their Silver Jubilee
      7. As 911 points to September 11, so 916 points to September 16, & 916 is the standard for “Pure Gold” in Malaysia! As Gold stands for Divinity, Righteousness and Wealth, The Holy Spirit Ministered to me that, “in our Year of Jubilee He Will Divinely Intervene in the affairs of Malaysia to Bring His Righteousness into our Land and with that will come the Wealth of God!”
      What does this alignment between Israel and Malaysia mean as we entered our Year of Jubilee? Can it just be a mere coincidence?
      We know for a Fact that in God’s Scheme of things, according to His Prophetic Timing there are no accidences or coincidences – Everything is Precisely ordained!
      As far as I know, Malaysia is the only Nation in Modern History that has our Year of Jubilee completely Aligned with the Biblical Hebrew Calendar throughout our Year of Jubilee!
      What does this mean?
      We are the only Nation in Modern History that can actually do Lev 25:9, 10 – to Blow the Shofar on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur, the 10th day of the 7th Month) throughout our Land according to the Biblical Calendar, which we did!
      We aligned with different parties in Malaysia to do this as we entered our Year of Jubilee on 16th September 2012 and again more importantly on Yom Kippur to comply with and obey Lev 25:9, 10 where at set co-ordinated times the Shofar was Sounded both in Israel and in Malaysia forming a Spiritual Highway between our 2 Nations; Inviting King Jesus to 1st Enter Malaysia and Hold the doors of Jubilee open for the Entire Year of Jubilee and then Consecrating Malaysia for our Jubilee!
      In front of 180 Nations we brought the soil/earth of Malaysia’s 14 states before The King and the Assembly, Prophetically symbolizing all the Land of Malaysia and we Sounded the Shofar as Lev 25:9, 10 was proclaimed!
      We Believe as we complied with this, God has consecrated Malaysia for our Year of Jubilee!
      As we have aligned with the Biblical Hebrew Calendar during our Year of Jubilee, it means that we also align with all of the Feast of Messiah during this Year of Jubilee of ours and for those who know what it means, it carries Great Meaning and Power that will be manifested very Shortly!
      As we approach the Feast of Tabernacles (FOT) which is during the Time frame of ANCJ and beyond (4th – 18th [ANCJ} & 18th – 25th September [FOT]), this is the Period that God Commands: REJOICE!!! – Lev 23:33 – 40 – 44
      Although, the devil has ambushed us from behind and it seems a lost cause especially after GE 13 and that much of the prophetic words spoken over Malaysia has fallen to the ground, don’t despair Malaysia! That is the plan of the evil one; to pull you down, discourage you and put you into a state of hopelessness and despair but Believe me, that what the adversary has meant for harm, YAHWEH Will Turn it around for Victory, His Good and Ours!!!
      As we bring our Jubilee to a close during FOT, there Will be Much Rejoicing for Malaysia and the Nations too!
      Furthur more, this is The Shemitah (Sabbatical) Year of Israel that occurs once every 7 years! What are the odds of these perfect alignments? What is God saying to us? To the Church in this Nation? To Malaysia?
      Can it be a coincidence again that so many Prophetic Words have flooded in regarding Malaysia in recent times before we entered our year of Jubilee?

      Malaysia is called to be The Catalyst for Revival in The Golden Gate Nations and Asia-Pacific Rim of Fire! – Will Malaysia Fulfil our Destiny and Calling in Christ? What are the Consequences if we fail? Can we afford to fail?
      Malaysia is Prophesied to be:
      • “The Revival Sparker of The Golden Gate Nations and The Asia-Pacific Rim of Fire” – Golden Gate Watch, All Nations Convocation Jerusalem
      • “The Dwelling Place and Habitation of The All Mighty and Epicentre of God’s Spiritual Tsunami to the Nations” – Renuka Hegde, India
      • “The ‘Atlas’ of Asia” – George Annadorai, Singapore
      • “The Key that Changes Nations” – Cindy Jacobs, USA
      • “God’s Target to Target the Nations with Clarity and Sharpness of Word” – Daniel Pak, South Korea
      • Sarah Joy, Malaysia = ‘Ma-lai-si-a’ which means in Chinese: ‘Ma’ = Horse; ‘Lai’ = Come; ‘Si-a’ = West Asia = Middle East: ‘Malaysia’ is the “Horse that Comes to The Middle East” (Bringing The Gospel of The Kingdom from the East Back to Jerusalem via the Middle East and 10/40 Region)“
      This is the Destiny of the Golden Gate Nations: “To Bring Back The Gospel to Jerusalem”! As Malaysia Fulfils our Destiny we will help the Golden Gate Nations Fulfil their collective Destiny and Spearhead the Eastern Gate Nations to Fulfil their Destiny – “To Prepare The Way for The King of Glory to Return”! (Eze 43:1 – 5; Matt 24:27; Zech 14:4)
      Chuck Pierce, Peter Tsukahira, Suleman Manzoor, Michael Maeliau, Karen Durnham, Henry Pillai and many others have Prophesied/Said Great and Awesome things Over Malaysia as well in recent years before we entered our 50th Year.
      Again, what does it all mean? Will we as a Church – God’s Authoritative Force in Malaysia realize what we are Called to do for Malaysia and the Nations before it is too late? Can it be too late?!
      What would be the consequences if The Malaysian Church failed in our God given Tasks in the Bigger scheme of things?
      Ultimately, could we delay the coming of Jesus? Could it be remotely even possible?
      Friends, these are some Critical Questions that we, the Body of Messiah in Malaysia and the Church of Malaysia as a whole Must Seriously Consider! If there could be even the slightest possibility that by our failure to understand and grasp certain vital Truths that we could delay the coming of Christ, should we not Seriously Address them?
      Many events in Malaysia have been Lined up to bring Awareness to the Malaysian Church and to bring us Revelation, Renewed Hope and shift us into more Intense and Fervent Prayer and Key among these is the Jubilee and Transformation Conference (JATCon) with John Mulinde between 26 – 28 July. PLEASE ATTEND JATCon!
      These are all Important! However, a Great man of God once said, “Prayer is Important, but Prayer is not enough… Someone needs to become an answer to Prayer!”
      Also, another man of God said, “Malaysia cannot fail! You Must not fail!!!”

      Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Church of God in Malaysia, this Jubilee HolyLand Mission Delegation to ANCJ 2013 intends to be the Answer to our Prayers, and as we close our Jubilee during this Season of FOT, Rejoicing will Burst Forth!!!
      I invite you, “Be Part of HIStory in the Making and store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven that will Touch The Heart of Papa God and Change Malaysia Forever; not by Might, nor by Power but by His Spirit!
      “Be Part of The Jubilee HolyLand Mission Team 2013 to Welcome Lord Yeshua to take up His Rightful Place as King over Malaysia – our True Agong, The King of kings!” which is what the Feast of Tabernacles Prophetically Means: The King Returning to take up His Rightful Throne!!!
      Let’s do this and become that Catalyst for Golden Gate Revival that has been Prophesied and Create a Chain Reaction of events that will trigger Golden Gate Revival and Propel the Gospel to go Back to Jerusalem in Full Force and thus Prepare The Way for our Saviour King to Return!
      It is always a Remnant that God Calls for such a Task as this. If this message has Touched you, could it be, ABBA is asking you to be this Remnant and be part of this Year’s Mission??

      Looking forward to your Prayerful Participation in Yahshua’s Mighty Name J
      Best Wishes and YHWH Bless you Powerfully and Abundantly!

      Shalom and Love in Messiah,

      Philip Marc Lee (+6017-377 2993)
      Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
      Golden Gate Keeper & International Council of Elders ANCJ

    1. Sis namia. Saya pun sama. Wondering sangat apalah lagi kisahnya dan macam mana ia bermula dan sebagainya. Gooogle punya google. Baru dapat tahu serba sedikit.

  4. Sebenarnya saya agak lemah bab sejarah. Tetapi membaca perkongsian denaihati diatas, menarik minat saya untuk cuba mengetahui lagi tentang wangian yang hilang itu. Tertanya-tanya dimanakah ia menghilang. Satu perkongsian yang menarik minda untuk menerokai lagi sejarah asal usul sebenarnya moyang-moyang terdahulu.
    Curahan rasa Mrsyatie @ ..iPhone 5s Gajet Impian Setiap BloggerMy Profile

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