How to Jailbreak iPhone 4 on iOS4.1 with Limera1n

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Assalamualaikum dan salam 1Dunia, bermula dengan kesudian sifu iPhone aku nak tolongkan jailbreak iPhone 4 idea itu terus berkembang setelah aku buat special entri bertajuk “Jailbreak iPhone 4 siapa expert“. Entri ini telah mendapat respond daripada beberapa teman twitter iaitu @cyberfly @wanamwi @khydir @Dfadzly. Hasilnya @cyberfly telah membuat special tutorial untuk jailbreak iPhone 4 menggunakan Limera1n.

Kepada teman-teman iPhone 4 yang teringin nak buat sendiri Jailbreak iPhone 4 boleh ikut tutorial yang telah disediakan oleh @cyberfly “Tutorial Jailbreak iPhone 4 4.1“.  Taklah sesusah mana setelah aku sendiri berjaya buat sendiri. Tapi kalau nak lebih mantap saksikan video di bawah ni kemudian ikut tutorial yang disediakn @cyberfly.

Selamat mencuba Jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS4.1 dengan limera1n.

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  1. There is a full sub-sector in the discipline of the mobile phone sector area relevant to the jailbreak or unlocking of the mobile phones so that they can be used on any cellular network, and current Supreme Court decisions in the USA handed down have confirmed that the jailbreak market is legal and legitimate. That is, finish-person clients are really in their legal rights to do what they desire to their cellular mobile phone handset to enable the cell phone to function on other network carriers which is normally identified as jailbreak or unlocking the network block.
    Learn how to Jailbreak your iPhone

  2. Pingback: Twitted by bubbles182

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